22 December, 2011

Best Quick Tips & Tricks to Increase & Boost up your Alexa Web Rank !

Alexa is not a name or a word that i need to tell anyone who would be reading this article and want to Increase the rank of Their websites/blogs etc. quickly and wants to stand up Tall and apart in the Millions of websites list that exists Today !

However today i will be sharing my own experience of getting my Alexa traffic rank under 10 lakhs in just 40 Days without any great support from any site and without any Malicious softwares or use of Javascripts or some online sites that may be offering you Traffic !

Let's start off with the List which will make you stand amongst the Top websites and increase your alexa ranking in just a matter of few days ( especially for new website owners or Bloggers ) .

1)  Claim your Website on Alexa 

First and the Most Important Step which you should do immediately is to Claim your website and submit all the details accurately about your country , location , etc . Claiming a website does look a lot good when someone checks and sees the site is Claimed and valid , Start from here :-

2) Increase Traffic Properly

Make sure you should read this Article , how to increase Traffic and ultimately increase rank by Alexa itself , I had learnt a lot and benefitted form it , Look out for it here :-

3) Backlinks 

One of the Most important things that you need to be doing is to get more and more Baclinks to your site , However it is not at all easy to get backlinks , But the best way i have discovered is to Get Inbound links by commenting on other High ranking and High Google Page-rank sites ( as many people consider these to be a Backlink itself ) , The more you build reputation in alexa the More your Rank will Increase !

4)  Install the Alexa Toolbar 

Once you Install The Alexa Toolbar what it will do as you would visit your site using the browser having the alexa web Toolbar Alexa would count it as a VISIT and especially since it will be done under using the Alexa Toolbar that will make Alexa to increase your rankings !

5)  Alexa Widgets on your Site

Alexa itself recommends people to put out the Site widgets provided by them of ranking , traffic rank , search queries , etc on their website , You can check them and get started from here :-

6) Create your own Alexa Toolbar

Create an Alexa Toolbar for your own website and ask visitors or urge them , your friends or relatives , or wherever your go in Cafes or anywhere having Internet access , Make sure that you hit on the Nail and get them Installed the toolbar that you have created for your website , I had gone to cafes and done that as in such places people are more in terms of the crowd and visits from there would eventually increase your website rankings in Alexa , Start from here :-

Set your website as Homepage in your own browser and ask people to do so that you think can do in addition to the Download of Alexa Toolbar !

7) Get your site Reviewed on Alexa 

More the no of people Reviewing your site , more better your reputation and more better increase in your Ranking . Make sure people to ask for reviews on your site as i have also Placed a banner for this , The more people review it the more rank you earn , What also Alexa has done good is for users Having Facebook account they can review the website by simple being logged into their account and no special need for an Alexa account , So target those users , You can write one for me here :-

8) Write Webmaster Related Content 

Write content that is related to things such as Blogging , SEO As many webmasters and people keep on looking for ways and methods to increase their Alexa ranking and if they strike and visit your website then it's a Double Bonus as it will get you people with Alexa toolbars pre-installed to visit your site , should be a great increase in the Site Ranking .

9) Social Interaction and Sharing

Social sharing is a must and the best part you should do is to Digg and Stumble your content , if your article is unique and good well you can fetch massive amount of visitors to your site , also use sharing buttons such as like button , tweet and +1 .

10) Write Alexa related articles

Writing posts about alexa or reviews or updates to Alexa , people who are keen on increasing their ranks would perform searches and ultimately if they find your article , then again you are in great benefit and would see a good gain in your ranking !

11) Inclusion in Directories

Make sure you are Listed in DMOZ , The world's largest website directory , it might take some time to get listed but many Popular websites check the DMOZ listing of a website so make sure you are in there !

12) Participation in forums

If you can perform a search on Google related to the forums that match up with your website , post there by putting up the Signature as your Website links (hyperlinked) and you can generate a lot from there too .

I have written this content uniquely based on my experience and have learnt  a lot from this and since i see many sites providing misleading  info i though to combine my own experience uniquely so that you all can benefit it from it .

I shall be writing some more tips for you of increase Website traffic in recommended steps , Stay tuned and Subscribe to us for latest Updates !

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